3años "We wish a Merry Christmas"
(Just the Chorus)
4 años : "Little Snowflake"
5 años " What do you want for Christmas"
1ºC "I'm the happiest Christmas tree"
1ºD "I want a hippopothamus for Christmas"
2º C "12 days of Christmas Tree"
2ºD " Santa Claus is coming to the town"
3ºC "Crackers are for Christmas"
Libro de texto
3ºD "Santa Claus is coming to the town"
4ºC "A Mix of Christmas Carols"
4ºD "Come on Everyone"
Libro de texto
Libro de texto
5ºD "Happy Christmas"
6ºC "All I want for Christmas is you" ( Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber)
6ºD "Merry Christmas Everyone"