17 dic 2015

Christmas Links

"Frosty the Snowman" 

"Holly Jolly Christmas" by Michael Bublé

Elf  (movie) Trailer

The Grinch (movie) Trailer

Christmas in America

"Christmas in America" PowerPoint presentation for Grades 4, 5 and 6. Click this link to view:

14 dic 2015

Time to Play! El Pañuelito with 2ºC & 2ºD

Last week we played a very fun game with A.C., the English assistant, in 2ºC and 2ºD of primary called "El Pañuelito." We practiced vocabulary from our unit on the solar system. Here's how you play:

  • The class is divided into two teams.
  • Each person has a vocabulary word taped on their shirt. For example "sun" or "Jupiter."
  • Each team has one person with the same word.
  • The teacher stands in the middle of the two teams with a flag.
  • The teacher says one of the vocabulary words.
  • The person from each team with this word must run to be first to get the flag.
  • The first person back to their team's side with the flag earns a point for their team.
  • The first team with 12 points is the winner!
We had so much fun learning about our solar system thanks to this fun game!

2ºD playing El Pañuelito with A.C.

30 oct 2015

SCARY 1 and 2 grade CORRIDOR.

 Teachers and students for grade 1 and 2 have designed these beautiful and frightened doors. Students from grade 6 helped us too.


Thanks for your help.

L'étrange Noël de Mr. Jack.

28 oct 2015

23 oct 2015

The Haunted house.


Do you want to play this game?. It's a really scary game.

22 oct 2015

Les parallèles et les méridiens

Regarde le liens pour apprendre comment repérer des points sur une carte à l'aide des coordonnées géographiques.

Les parallèles et les méridiens